Our Core
Material Used: Bamboo and Jute Rope
The Spherical structure at the centre of the pathway represents Mother Earth. Aarrti creates it without geographical boundaries and the wrapping of it with Jute is to show how we have drained it of its natural resources and affected every living organism.
There is a school of thought that believes that our consciousness is not located in our brain as is popularly believed, but in our belly - in our navel, or ‘Nabhi’, to be precise. The umbical cord that connects us to the mother that is severed at our birth but our connect with Mother Earth is eternal. Through this installation Aarrti shows us how we, humans haves dug into the earth so deep for its resources that we are close to disturbing its core and the results would only be our collective destruction. Even when the nucleus of an atom is disrupted the atom starts to self-destruct.
According to an earlier theory, our navel contains the DNA of our soul, therefore it also contains “our original brain” as well as our personal Sat Yug. Our consciousness resided in out Nabhi. And by awakening this we can create change in the world while we still have time.