My mask is trying to convey to you that; everyone carries a great light within, a treasure, one should introspect yourself and discover your own center.
My masks are not telling you to renounce your materialistic thing, but, to renounce the greed, selfishness, jealousy etc. that the mind beholds. That is the real problem today. It is blocking your way in reaching within yourselves as I call it the center.
Rejoice in the state of not-knowing and great wisdom will be released, the peace within you will be awakened.
Only that will give you the taste of eternity.
How it all started :
Aarti zaveri a visual artist started this series of mask in the process of making army portraits. Making portraits made her see the real expressions one has on his face and not the one that is seen by an ordinary eye…
To see more artwork – mail us at – enquiry@aartizaveri.com

“Centre of Attraction”. 40” x 40”. Oil on Canvas. 2011